Riding Association Executive

The riding association executive is made up of active Thunder Bay � Superior North NDP members who are elected each year at the riding association's annual general meeting (AGM). They serve two functions: they represent the federal party at the local level, and they represent the local community of members to the federal party. These dedicated volunteers are responsible for organizing party activities within our riding, both during and between elections.

Any member in good standing can run for an executive position at an AGM. Notice of an AGM is given to members one month ahead of time, according to the riding association constitution. The current executive was elected at the April 2012 annual general meeting, and consists of:

President - Maurice Grinstead
Vice-President (Federal) - David George Noonan
Vice-President (Provincial) - Bonnie Statten
Treasurer (Federal) - Trudy Epp
Treasurer (Provincial) - Miriam Ketonen
Secretary - Ernie Epp
Membership Secretary - Open
Women�s Representative - Teresa Parr
Labour Representative - Sandra Snider
Aboriginal Representative - Raymond Moonias
Youth Representative - Sebastian Murdoch Gibson
Member-at-Large - Shannon Cruickshank
Member-at-Large - Laura Rakowski
Member-at-Large - Charlie Faust
Member-at-Large - Claudio Monteleone
Meber-at-Large - Murray Young

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Last updated 9 Sep 2009
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