Connect Online and by Post

Connect with other Canadians to discuss, debate, and campaign for progressive ideas. There is an active community of forward-thinking conscientious people right here in Thunder Bay - Superior North, linked right across Canada. There are many ways to get involved:

Become a Rapid Responder - Engaged, active, and outspoken, they are people like you who care about the issues and want to make a difference. Write a letter to the editor or comment online about a hot topic and get the message out. contact Maurice at or call 807-344-1680 and sign up.

Speak Up Already - Concerned about where the country is being led? You can do something about it right now. Some of the Northwest's most influential voices don't belong to media commentators, politicians or organizations. They're everyday people - like you - speaking out through local media outlets. New media makes it easier for members of the public to participate in the debate. If you care about the future of the Northwest, you should speak out. You can voice your opinion online, on the air, or in the paper.

Connect With Us - On FaceBook, Flickr, or YouTube. Just like you, we're on them and using them to connect with others in the Northwest. The social web makes it easier and more fun than ever to make friends and make a difference. Connect with the local campaign:

Friend us on FaceBook - discuss politics, tag photos, chat, interact, and invite friends.
Join us on Flickr - and post and talk about your own photos of people and events in the Northwest.
Follow the Federal Leader - follow Federal Leader Tom Mulcair on Twitter, and get up-to-the-minute details on every stop, event and new development
Follow the Ontario Leader - follow Ontario Leader Andrea Horwath on Twitter, and get all the lastest info on the Provincial scene.
Enter the Orange Room - to meet other activists and find a world of media, blogging tools, apps, RSS feeds, and more

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Last updated 1 Sep 2009
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