Donate Locally to Support TBSN

Every dollar you donate to the Thunder Bay - Superior North NDP Riding Association goes directly to a local campaign and local work. Your donation will help us support riding events such as public talks and barbecues, as well as plan and save for the next election. Donating is also easier on your pocketbook than you may think. For example, a donation of $100 actually costs you only $25:

__________________ Donate___ Tax Deduction__ You Pay
__________________ $100 $75.00 $25.00
__________________ $250 $187.50 $62.50
__________________ $500 $350.00 $150.00
__________________ $750 $475.00 $275.00
__________________ $1,000 $558.25 $441.75

The federal donation limit maximum is $1250.00 (it goes up, indexed to inflation, every April 1st).

There are two ways to donate to the Thunder Bay Superior North NDP:

  1. By credit card - Online donations will be available soon.

  2. By cheque - Cheques should be made out to Thunder Bay - Superior North Federal NDP and mailed to:

    Thunder Bay-Superior North Federal NDP
    PO Box 21091
    Thunder Bay, Ontario
    P7A 8A7

We are afraid that we can't offer refunds on donations after the fact.

Your help is vital to keep the progressive voice strong in the Northwest. Thank you for your support!

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Last updated 1 Sep 2009
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